Word comes from the Ithaca Journal-courtesy of Liz Benjamin-that AG Schneiderman is looking into local development corporations. Who knew? It doesn't appear, however, that the NYS AG is willing to look too close to home:
"New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has found “red flags” in a review of local development corporations that uncovered the potential for self-dealing, nepotism, improper loans and exorbitant expenses at some. He has been examining the more than 200 local development corporations statewide, reviewing salaries and spending at the nonprofits that do government work but with fewer restrictions and less oversight. The review has led to deeper examinations of several organizations, including the Multi-County Community Development Corp. and its affiliate Rehabilitation Support Services Inc. Those organizations provide residential and day services for mental health and drug abuse clients in the Hudson Valley and part of western New York."
The AG has been like Horton Hatches a Who-a well meaning elephant faithfully sitting on the investigation started by the intrepid Andrew Cuomo of ethical fame-but willing to wait indefinitely until the mother bird returns. The gestation period of this investigation is worthy of a herd of elephants.
Look forward to grievous evidence of wrongdoing that will soon be uncovered in Oneonta or some other boondocks location. Closer to home the intrepid elephant morphs into the three monkeys who cannot see, hear, or speak of evil.