Ah, "blight" - such a fuzzy term when it comes to eminent domain. Willets Point was deemed "blighted" in 2008 in part because the mafia at one point ran a car theft ring here - which was busted up way back in 2000. (Little to no crime happens at Willets Point - just check the police stats.) Yet we've received word this weekend via the NY Post that the NYC Economic Development Corporation, the entity that wants to condemn our property for crimes committed years ago by others, authorized payment of taxpayer money to mafia-owned businesses that worked on Citifield, which sits right across the street from Willets Point.
So what's considered to be justification for "blight" on one side of 126th Street is just "regular business" on the other. If you're banned from doing business with the city as a contractor, don't fret - you can just do it as a subcontractor!