Friday, April 1, 2011

Mayor's Unpopularity Poll

WPU watches with undisguised glee as Mayor Mike Bloomberg's popularity tanks. Here, according to NY1, is the latest Marist Poll results that finds that only 40% of New Yorkers think he's doing well: "Mayor Michael Bloomberg may have come out with a new ad touting his administration, but it hasn't helped with his approval rating, according to an exclusive NY1/Marist College poll released Thursday.Forty percent of new registered voters rate his performance excellent or good, compared to 59 percent fair or poor."

And his recent expensive ad campaign is having an opposite effect: "While it's not the lowest Bloomberg's ever been, it's far from his greatest. Pollsters chalk it up to the sluggish economy, though unemployment in the city has been better than the U.S. as a whole. Throw in lingering fallout from the Christmas weekend storm, budget battles and concern about schools and you have the recipe for mayoral malaise. In February, before the ad started, 44 percent rated him excellent or good, compared to 40 percent now. Fifty-five percent rated him fair or poor then, versus 59 percent now."

Hey, Mike, the jig is up! We're on to you and no amount of disinformation will change anything-not when his signature issue,education,is sinking rather than lifting his approval rating: "People are not giving him good grades at all for handling of the school system, and they're also unhappy with the whole budget picture. And that was really Mayor Bloomberg's calling card. That's what brought Mayor Bloomberg on the scene to begin with," said Marist Pollster Lee Miringoff. On education, the mayor's signature issue, Bloomberg also has more detractors than admirers with 65 percent saying they disapprove of how he's handing the city's schools. Eight percent weren't sure."

Clearly, Bloomberg should have quit while he was ahead-after two terms. He bought and connived his way into a third term and now the fowl is coming home to roost. This is a slow process of inevitable decline, and we only hope that those politicians that have been in awe of his wealth will now see that opposing his skewed vision for the city is a plus and not a minus.